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  • Writer's picturePrithu Barnwal

P.S I love you

Updated: Jun 12, 2021

You are not only a distraction for me,

From KrishnaJi (Lord), I had never anticipated that move

I had always thought that he loves to play with me,

Always inducing in me

Holding me captive

In her thoughts, which looked first as soothing as a dream run of mine

Making me reach the Mount Everest of Earth of my thought world in a little time

But as I started climbing the mountain for real, he always used to make me fall off the mountain

Something always happened and I always came back rolling back to the lowest point of the mountain where I started

I kept on falling and trying again and again for the highest prize

It felt I had fallen in a loop, which appeared to be infinite

And there was no release

Once my eyes opened and I saw myself lying at the bottom of the sea near the mountain

It was the first time I had fallen in the sea

In the darkest corners of the sea, I could feel dark clouds hovering over the sea

I could not feel any part of my body responding

My legs seemed stuck in the water

The only functional organs seemed to be eyes

Suggesting there is nothing to live for in this world, which appeared uninhabitable

Krishna seemed cruel to me

I was ready to become a part of the water around me

Suddenly, a ray of light appeared to come from above the sea, giving me hope

That happened when I saw her, the gorgeous female

My legs and hands began to synchronize

And I was out of the dark sea in a moment of time

But, then, I always knew Krishna is naughty

And this glimmer might be just a short remedy

Roots of fear of drowning in the sea began to surface

Fearing that as the previous girl was, she would be the same

And this could be another loop

But as the time progressed, I began to enjoy each moment with hers

Only seeing her could charge me the whole day

There was so much to give and take

She became my strength instead of weakness

The remedy became permanent

Then, I understood my lovely Krishna

After all, his “leelas” (acts) are so abstruse

Sometimes, he has all the hard ways to tell me

Now, there was no highest prize to achieve

Everything seemed touchable

Mountains became mere pebbles

And the whole sea had become so beautiful, so glorious that even the thought of it being dark was now a matter to ridicule

It is then, that I realized

P.S I love you.


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